Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

Central Office

















Student Welfare

Student Services provides the central provision for student welfare within the Academy


Linda groverMedical Needs

Medication is securely stored in Student Services. This department is managed by Ms Linda Grover, who is also responsible for administering medicines. Mr Daniel Piggott (Assistant Principal and DSL) oversees Welfare within the Academy.

Attendance and Punctuality

The Academy's attendance target is 96%. Regular attendance and punctuality to the Academy and to lessons is essential for all of our students to make good progress, achieve their academic potential and consequently have better chances in life. Attendance is a key performance indicator within the Academy. It is the responsibility of everyone in the Academy community to ensure we achieve this. The Academy monitors the attendance and punctuality of all students and reviews and publishes it internally each week.

Informing us of a student absence

The expectation is that students attend every day unless they are unwell, in which case parents or carers are expected to contact the Academy before 09:00 on the morning of every absence.

To report a Harris Academy Purley student absent, you can email us at the address below or call our main telephone number and choose option 1 from our automated answering system. A pre-authorised email address or telephone number will allow us to verify a parent or carer's identity.

020 8608 1141


When a student is marked absent from the academy, our system will send a message home to ensure parents or carers are aware of the absence. These messages will also be triggered if a student is late to morning registration or misses the register at the start of any lesson. If you receive a message or call from our attendance team on a day where you believe your son or daughter should be in school, please call the number above.


Harris Academy Purley employs state of the art security technology, in closed-circuit television, which is sited both internally and externally as well as intruder detection systems and access control on its external entrances. The use of CCTV complies with current legislation as does notification signage and labelling.

The Academy also has a modern and comprehensive fire detection system. Access to the main Academy buildings for staff, students and visitors is carefully monitored by the reception team and everyone on site is required to be identifiable at all times so that items such as face coverings (e.g. motorcycle visors, full face goggles or veils) which obscure clarity of identification of an individual must be removed for the duration of a person’s time on site.

Identification badges and lanyards are issued to visitors and photo ID cards are also worn by all staff and sixth form students. The remainder of students in the Academy are identifiable by their Academy uniform and Faculty ties.


The health, happiness and well-being of our students is our first priority. We encourage you to make use of the resources below:

  • Mind www.mind.org.uk
    This website has ideas for staying indoors, as well as suggestions for ways to take care of your mental health and wellbeing.
  • ChatterPack www.chatterpack.net
    Chatterpack have an amazing list of free boredom-busting resources to keep you busy and entertained while you're at home.
  • NSPCC www.nspcc.org.uk
    The NSPCC website has a section on helping children with depression and anxiety.
  • Kooth AppStore/GooglePlay
    This is an app for your phone that offers immediate support.


Bullying will not be tolerated from any member of our Academy community. It is vital that we encourage good behaviour and respect for others and prevent all forms of bullying.

The Academy will act promptly and firmly on all matters of bullying and relies on timely reporting of bullying in order to take decisive action.

The Academy has a high profile anti-bullying initiative which aims to tackle the issue of bullying. The Anti-bullying initiative is led by a group of students and staff from across the Academy who undertake responsibility for raising the awareness of the effects of bullying and the importance of acknowledging the consequences of bullying on those affected. It forms part of the wider work of the Academy on inclusion. They lead training for staff and students and also for other schools. 

Used Uniform

Uniforms can be an expensive investment, which is why the Academy appreciates any donations of pre-loved uniform such as ties, trousers, academy jumpers and blazers. If you would be willing to donate any used items, or you are interested in purchasing specific items, please contact our Admissions team.

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