Remote Learning
At Harris Academy Purley we are proud of our online provision. Due to the investment and training the academy and staff have undergone we are able to deliver lessons both in the classroom and at home simultaneously. This means that if your child is learning from home (for any reason), they will still have all their timetabled lessons and will therefore attend school for the normal times. This also means that their curriculum will not be altered, and all learning and feedback expectations remain consistent. Sadly, we cannot recreate the full classroom experience with human contact, but overall, we aim to deliver our education in a way that means whether your child is at home or in school they will receive the exact same instruction, tasks, and feedback. Where students would normally get additional or alternative provision, we aim to continue this as much as is practicable.
If a student is expected to have a prolonged absence, we can arrange for that student to attend their timetabled lessons virtually using Microsoft Teams.
Lessons will be run in a normal way, with some parts of the lessons directly taught by the teacher, and at times students will be assigned a specific piece of sustained writing or work to complete on their own which they can complete either online or on paper at home. During the lessons they will be able to interact with their teacher asking questions and getting responses. Students will also be expected to respond to questions asked by teachers. Students need to attend lessons at the normal time (as per the school day set out below) and engage with lessons throughout. We will be taking registers as normal and attendance is compulsory, as is participation.
If students are having problems accessing lessons because of a lack of IT equipment, lack of access to the internet or a space to work, then please email us at setting out what the issues are. We will contact you regarding the issues raised and will, where possible, provide resource to resolve the matter.
Accessing Teams on Xbox, PlayStations and computers
Laptops and desktop computers
- Open your computer's web browser e.g. Chrome, Edge or Safari
- Visit and sign-in with your school credentials
- Select Microsoft Teams from the app list on the left side of the screen
- Choose 'run in browser' if you do not wish to install the desktop app
Microsoft Xbox
- Open a web browser e.g. Microsoft Edge from My Games and Apps
- Visit and sign-in with your school credentials
- Select Microsoft Teams from the app list on the left side of the screen
Sony Playstation
- Locate the internet browser and press the Playstation logo on your controller
- Go to Library and find Options for Games and Applications
- Go into Applications and install Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome
- Visit and sign-in with your school credentials
- Select Microsoft Teams from the app list on the left side of the screen
You can also use this process to access the online versions of other Microsoft Office applications such as Word and PowerPoint. A USB keyboard and mouse will make this process a lot easier. Please note that your own webcam will not work, but you can still see your teacher's camera and shared screen. A headset will work for speaking and listening on both consoles. Other browsers may not work correctly.
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Microsoft Edge on Xbox | Internet Browser on PS4 |
Useful Links
Vodaphone have produced a helpful guide for Parents and Carers to help keep students safe online. There is also information on ways you can make technology and the internet useful for your family and life at home.
We have produced a helpful guide for using Microsoft Teams at the bottom of the page.
Student Expectations for Online Lessons
Students are expected to attend to all online lessons on your timetable. Registers are taken at the start of each lesson, so it is very important you are logged on at the start, so teachers can mark you present. Students not attending lessons will be regarded as truanting and will result in phone calls home from our Attendance team.
Online lessons may require you to use equipment at home, such as pencils, paper, protractors etc. It is a good idea to have this equipment by your computer so it is easily accessible during lessons.
You can ask your teachers questions via the chat feature or through your microphone. If you have any trouble connecting or accessing work, email your teacher using their address in the Contact section of our website.
Etiquette (how to act)
Your webcam will be disabled for lessons as a safeguarding precaution. Your microphone will still be active, so please ensure you have it muted at the start of the lesson and for the duration of your lesson, unless you are required to respond to a teacher's question or request.
All comments and messages to teachers should remain formal. This means you should not use slang or terms you might use with your friends. An example of a formal email can be seen below.
When using the chat feature, it is helpful to include the name of the person you are addressing at the start of each message. This allows the recipient to see messages directed at them in a busy chat with lots of other messages.
Example of a formal email
Dear Miss Jones, I am having difficulty understanding the task set in Monday's lesson. Please could you elaborate on what is expected of us for this task? I have also attached the homework set in last week's lesson. Kind regards, John Smith, Year 10 |